Embracing Counselor Awareness: Honoring the Journey

Published on 7 April 2023 at 16:04

It’s so good to have you back. Thank you for your patience with my brief absence. Life can take many twists and turns, even for people like me. I appreciate all the support and will continue to provide the best content for you.

I'm not surprised if you haven't heard about this, and I don't think any less of you because you didn't know. I was unaware that April is the month for this initiative. April is Counseling Awareness Month, and the entire month of devoted to raising awareness and promoting quality mental health to people of all ages. This month is important for the counseling profession, counselors and clinicians, and the message to end mental health stigma.

"Counseling" often summons an image of a person on a couch, with a clipboard-carrying older man asking questions like, "how does that make you feel?" In reality, it’s very different. To get an idea of where it all started, it started when people lived in tribes. They would all gather and share their dreams, desires, and experiences. Today, counseling has been one of the most sought-after specialties in healthcare. As time evolves, the importance of self-care and emotional wellness will reside through counseling.

Here are some facts about counseling to give you an insight into the profession:

1. Counseling sessions are confidential between the client and therapist

2. The beginning of counseling is the most important part, where trust and rapport are built between therapist and client.

3. You don't need anything "wrong" to see counseling. You can seek counseling for help with your wedding or to discover a potential career.

4. Counseling can help you explore your situation. It's a process that helps you evaluate your life and options for growth.

5. Counseling can help infants. Yes, infants! For more information, look into First 5 Alabama for infant and early childhood mental health.

This month is important for raising awareness for this profession. With the rates of suicide, self-harm, depression, anxiety, and stress increasing at an alarming rate, professionals in counseling are more needed than ever before. If you have the time, please take the opportunity to celebrate this month and show your support for the profession. It's time to bring counseling and mental health to the forefront and ensure that this is a safe, warm, and supportive service for any age, with an emphasis on providing a confidential and stigma-free environment.

I look forward to talking with you again soon.


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